09/12/2024: The PTG AGM wil be in the morning of the January meeting followed by a belated Christmas lunch for
those who have booked.
16/12/2024: The Main Group Meeting Calendar is now on the Events page.
We meet at the Mary Tavy Coronation Hall, Mary Tavy, Tavistock, Devon. PL19 9PB
We have an organised monthly programme of events focusing on one of the three crafts. This may involve an in-house or external speaker or workshop. Please feel free to bring your spinning wheel,
weaving, knitting etc. to any meeting and exchange ideas.
Visitors are welcome. The first visit is free and can be to a guild meeting or a weave group meeting. After this, visitors have the option joining the Guild. Visitors can attend Guild talks and
demonstrations by prior arrangement and payment of a £5 fee.
One of our aims is the holding of a biennial exhibition of members' work. Everyone is encouraged to exhibit at least one item and to take part in stewarding. During the year we demonstrate at
local events such as village fairs and shows and volunteers are always welcome. Once a year we have an outing and a picnic.
The Guild occasionally has items for sale from its inventory of spinning, dyeing and weaving equipment.
Contact us at info@petertavywsdguild.org.uk
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