Our health and safety officer, Jane Mason, has come up with an excellent assessment form, so here are some salient points
A signing in book will be situated in the kitchen, please ensure you sign in AND out. (We will be checking!)
Please acquaint yourself with all fire exits. In the event of a fire please leave the building via the nearest exit and assemble in the car park where a role call will be taken.
Chairs or tables must not block fire exits and they must be placed to allow free passage.
All coats and bags to be placed out of the way on the stage.
The hall provides a first aid box, which is in the cupboard in the entrance hall.
the nearest defibrillator is on the wall of the village stores.
The guild provides equipment for members use, of which some of it may cause harm to the user or people nearby. If you are in doubt as to how to safely use anything please seek advice.
Any questions? please ask a committee member.